Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 26th March 2024

In an attempt to be transparent we will try to keep this page as user friendly and easy to understand as possible.

You can use our apps and games only for the purpose they were built for.

You cannot modify, extract, sell, resell or hack any part of the software.

We collect personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.

By using our software you agree to these terms and conditions and our privacy policy.

We reserve the right to update both our "terms and conditions" and "privacy policy" without notice at any time. It's your responsability to check for any updates on our website regularly.

You have the right to stop using our software if you disagree with our updated terms, conditions or privacy policy.

It might not be possible to link the data we have directly to your email and/or device. If you want to delete the data we have on you we will do our best to do so.